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Bringing Families Together

Registered Charity Number SC045096


As a parent led, volunteer run charity, we put family at the core of everything we do.  We provide family activities, information and support.

About Our Charity

What we do

Helensburgh & Lomond Autism was formed in 2014 initially through Facebook, when parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [ASD] recognised that there was no dedicated organisation in the area for ASD children or adults and their families.

This volunteer group, already with over 70 members and growing as knowledge of the organisation spreads, is making a major positive impact on the lives of people with Autism in the Helensburgh and Lomond area.

Currently, 1.1 children in every hundred in the UK are affected by ASD. Improving analysis and diagnosis means that more and more children and their families need assistance.

The aim of our charity

We Make It Easy to Help Others

The aim of our charity is to raise awareness of autistic spectrum disorders and to support those in our area affected. We aim to tackle issues relating to the provision of appropriate support, respite and education in the Helensburgh and Lomond area. We work closely with group members to find areas lacking support and approach this with the appropriate bodies, including meeting with counsellors.


As a support to members we have a private facebook group, coffee mornings and regular activities. Some of the activities include:

Cinema Trips 

Information days for parents and carers

Activities that encourage life skills

Trips during the school holidays

Family short breaks


As a charity we are so incredibly lucky to be supported by our local community.  This can be donating prizes, visiting our stalls and purchasing raffle tickets, a share on facebook or word of mouth.  We have also been incredibly lucky to receive donations of funds from people in our community.  I don't think we can express how grateful we are that people take the time and think of our charity as behind this is a team of volunteers working really hard to support people with autism and their families.

Pebble Beach


Rhu Gala

We have just held a stall at Rhu Gala.  Thank you to all who visited, showed support, donated prizes and most importantly to our volunteers who came with a smile to help raise funds and awareness in our area.  Well done Team!

Easter 23


This easter we provided several families with a fantastic opportunity of a family holiday to Blackpool Haven for 5 days.  This was well attended and very much enjoyed by all.  The families that didn't attend were also given a day trip to Heads of Ayr farm park.

Summer 23

Lets hope this beautiful weather stays with us and we can all have a fantastic summer holidays.  Please keep your eyes peeled for information on activities available 

Our Comittee

As per our recent AGM we now have our current committee as follows :


Aileen Goodfellow Chrichton

Susanna Dickson

Fay Buchan

Kaileigh Smart

Jennifer McCarthy

Rachel Bell

Catherine Law


I would like to take this opportunity to thank our previous Trustees Tania Powell, Aileen Goodfellow Chrichton, Fay Buchan and Susanna Dickson for all your hard work in a difficult time and also our previous committee members.


We look forward to what will hopefully be a brighter year.

Easy Fundraising

If possible could people please sign up to easy fundraising and select Helensburgh and Lomond Autism as your chosen charity.  This is completely free for you to do and allows us to gain funds simpy by shopping online through easy fundraising.  Most online retailers do donate, how much varies between retailer however every penny counts.

Cinema Trips

Our next cinema trips are planned for 

Sunday 25th June 10am

Wednesday 28th June 6pm


Sunday 23rd July 10am

Wednesday 26th July 6pm


Sunday 27th August 10am

Wednesday 30th August 6pm


This is a members only activity, films will be updated when known.  Please contact the group facebook page if you would like to attend.


Things you might find Helpful 

These activities are funded by yourselves not the group.

We are extremely lucky to have a fantastic carers centre to us locally.  They can help with a variety of issues and also offer services aimed at yourself as the carer.  Please contact the carers centre for further details.

What Next?

Some useful information and where to find it

Useful Websites

National Autistic Society

The national autistic society campaigns for autism.  You can read up on what autism is and how they help families.


Scottish Autism

Scottish Autism provides support to families in Scotland.  They can arrange visits to your home and advise on a variety of issues including education, respite and such. 


Autism Toolbox

The Autism toolbox is made in conjunction with Scottish Autism. The main purpose is to provide parents with a resource to support inclusion in mainstream education.


The Curly Hair Project

The curly hair project aims to improve understanding and communication between those on the autistic spectrum and their nuerotypical loved ones. The services and products they supply are books, podcasts, counselling with ASD experienced counsellors, training, workshops and more.  It is all based on real life and experinces, founded by Alis Rowe who herself has ASD.


Autism Argyll

Provides helpful resources you can download to use with children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  You can recieve regular newsletters also.


Autism in Argyll & Bute

Here you can find information on the autism strategy group, working together to make best use of resources and provide support to people with autism. 


What help can we recieve?

Having a child diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder can be daunting.  It often impacts the family home and requires more specialist equipment.  Their are some benefits which you may be entitled to. Here are a few and how you can find out if your an entitled to them.


Child Disability Payment

Child Disability payment (previously DLA) can be applied for by filling out a form with the purpose of helping with extra costs for children under 16 who needs looked after more than a child of the same age. There is eligibility criteria and 3 rates of care as well as mobility component. To apply visit .


Carers Allowance


You can apply for carers allowance if you recieve disability living allowance at middle or high rate. To apply go to and search carers allowance. This will tell you all the information you require before you apply.


Child Tax Credits


If you are in reciept of disability living allowance it is important to update child tax credits as you may be entitled to more help.


Travel Support


If you recieve High rate mobility you may be able to recieve an exemption from vehicle tax, a blue badge and a motability vehicle. 


CEA Cinema Card


A CEA card allows a carer to attend the cinema with them for free. It is only available to children over the age of 8 and you must be in reciept of disability living allowance or PIP. The card costs £6 and you can apply by going to 


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Get in touch with Helensburgh and Lomond Autism to discover more about our work and how to donate. We thank you for your support.


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